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Project 4

Pastry-bomb your way through an evil bakery megacorp and undo the wrongs done to your humble pastry business!


In Popover I worked mostly on rendering and gameplay, we wanted to draw the entire game in a single color atlas. We also needed in-world 2D effects for bomb explosions and player death. Besides that I worked on parallax scrolling and ensuring everything was rendered instanced. I also created the UI, most of which was made out of meshes instead of conventional 2D sprites.

Bomb explosions

Player death spritesheet effect

User interface drawn with meshes instead of 2D sprites.

The game was also featured and played on the Nordic Game Conference (NGC) in Malmö, which was really cool to see.


Radikal Semmelanarki


August Smith

Carl Uvebrant

Markus Hermelin

Patrik Fridh

Neo Nemeth



Moa Bergman

Jacob Fransson


Level Design

Alleksander Bjelovuk

Anton Heurlin

Hannes Wäst



Albin Bång

Daniel Gryningstjerna

Max Kock

Elin Eklöw

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